submit a quote!

Eric: most dopaminergic song Ryan and I have found yet Ryan: dude when I was playing Minecraft to that animatronic song I felt like a middle schooler

~ Eric, Ryan, on “Join us for a bite”

Robert: Get some soju. Ryan: Soju? What’s that? Robert: Korean alcohol, just look it up. Ryan: DUDE as soon as I said that, all these Asian girls at Whole Foods just looked over at me. Some SOJU, you said?

~ Robert, Ryan

Indian House [ShitStain Remix] [MevinGirl]

~ Ryan

I have zero doubt Atlas Wang is probably on top of the Texas Belltower right now contemplating jumping

~ Ryan, on RIP Sun Jian

Beautiful amounts of dopamine

~ Ryan

POV the date is February 2019, and you’re working on Kiku after a very long night of studying for Information Retrieval. Dr Ben Hu grants you 5 extra bonus points for the anime girl on your paper.

~ Ryan

The dichotomy where half my office is 6’5 gigachad traders and half-tranny femboy quants brings me back to blocker

~ Ryan

They don’t breed them like that no more

~ Ryan, on Mrs. Davis

At this point, [redacted] has edited his own source code.

~ Ryan

Unfathomably kino

~ Ryan, on rurudo

Got the anime tiddys kid to spot me today

~ Ryan, acquiring gains

It was an era for sure. Finding the intersectionality of a girl who knows what i3 is, wants her ass eaten, and is a Christian philosopher was a fun time. Only at north campus at Texas A&M would you find a woman like that.

~ Ryan

I don’t think I could last a day on nofap with that setup

~ Ryan, appreciating the gosling lights

me working on atlas wangs thesis with some of that nam cafe boba giving me gyno

~ Ryan

Major comf vibes. Ryan Gosling vibes.

~ Ryan

That man has more cortisol than I've ever seen in a person

~ Ryan, on Tian Yang

Welp, now I'm lactating

~ Ryan, on philosophical anime girls

It's pinned. I see it everyday.

~ Ryan, on "boobs removed"


~ Ryan, trying to "connect" with someone on LinkedIn

Ryan: [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] boobs removed. They are completely gone. Benton: This is information I was not expecting nor will I be able to formulate a response

~ Ryan, Benton, on boobs removed

If I wanted to make out with her I could have. The test was there...

~ Ryan

The tip was in the stickiness.

~ Ryan

She hasn't seen an inch of my shaft.

~ Ryan, on his Christian One Night Stand

Ryan: You can't make this up. We are in the end times. Robert: Make a chastity belt for plus size androgynous traps that unlocks according to smart contracts written on the consensual blockchain. Benton: Pitch a systems coding language for Moephillic teens who desire a bootstrapped JIT cuckpiler for ease of development aimed at designing a Websocket API for questions about their virtual partners sexuality and asking for consent.

~ Ryan, Robert, Benton, on Hegel's eschatology

Even if I was taken advantage of, it was LIVE

~ Ryan, on his Christian One Night Stand (CONS)

I had a Christian one night stand.

~ Ryan

I don't have a foot fetish but I appreciate a good pair of feet.

~ Ryan, on Socks

I'd rather have one of my balls cut off than both of them cut off

~ Ryan, on politics

Born too late to explore the Earth. Born too early to take Atlas's ML entrepreneurship course.

~ Ryan

See St Peter enough, eventually you'll wanna suck him off 🤷‍♂️

~ Ryan, considering Catholicism

I could jerk off to this plate and I'd be called a plate-pedophile.

~ Ryan, At IHOP

[redacted]'s boobs are smaller than usual today. Not saying that it's good or bad. I'm just saying they are objectively smaller.

~ Ryan

Gosh I miss that dude. I miss his cute perfectly spherical head.

~ Ryan, on Atlas "Docker is good" Wang

A single nut is very calorically dense.

~ Ryan

I was semi hard last night. Not flaccid, but not HARD AF either

~ Ryan, After Rick used trig to measure his bulge

Ryan: I guess Kerne wasn't the only one that did a PhD in arts and crafts Robert: Maybe she can teach distributed yuri Rick: NO ROBERT

~ Ryan, Rick, Robert, on TAMU's latest hire: Sarah "IoT Brapper" Fox

Something's up with a girl with an Android.

~ Ryan

The One True Church is the Baptist Church, but the Orthodox has definitely got something right because the priests have sex.

~ Ryan

If I find the lamborghini of black girls, then I'll be open minded

~ Ryan

Gamma is the derivative of Delta right?

~ Ryan

Gamma is based

~ Ryan

The holographic principle is a tenet of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region—such as a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.

~ Ryan, on Christianity

Basedddd and beautiful

~ Ryan


~ Ryan

Bringing a girl from high school to college is like bringing a sack lunch to a buffet

~ Ryan

I was straight up attacked by furries

~ Ryan


~ Ryan, on

Ryan: I know how that James operates. Robert: Like a sperg? Ryan: Like a windup toy.

~ Ryan, Robert

I've always been a fan of the large jaws.

~ Ryan

I'm probabilistically atheist in the religious sense.

~ Ryan

I dont have a problem with large hands

~ Ryan, talking about tranny's

just keep an eye on your six for any 🃏's in zeec

~ Ryan

I recommend pushing it solely vertically which keeps it nicely hard and tight

~ Ryan, on bench pressing

She has autism and it's frankly kinda attractive

~ Ryan, on his crush

Dang I was thick back then wtf

~ Ryan

I don't have a clean one on me.

~ Ryan

How do you delete things off desu

~ Ryan

Dang, I'm gonna miss those bright Aryan eyes of hers.

~ Ryan, on a Subway sandwich artisan

That gay part was actually meant to turn the guy ungay

~ Ryan, watching gay porn

My test is high. My flesh is hard. But my spirit is strong

~ Ryan

I forgot how small girls were wtf. WHY ARE THEY SO SMALL

~ Ryan

Dang you let two hot girls ride you in two days? You have the connections my man

~ Ryan, to Rick

A penis in a vagina is a beautiful, beautiful work of art designed by God.

~ Ryan, on having kids

Dude getting your ass eaten is gay imo. It just doesn't make sense to me

~ Ryan, contradicting himself

She rode you and she doesn't even know your name???

~ Ryan, to Rick

Dangit I just swiped right on a black girl accidentally

~ Ryan, on Tinder

I have just consumed my DAILY and MODERATE glass of wine. I am with another person so I will not become depressed. I have mastered the art of levitation and Jesus himself has come to drink with me.

~ Ryan

Mary was a virgin til death. I guess she did a lot of anal

~ Ryan, on Catholicism

Imagine being a multibillion dollar corporation run by Jews and this man shows up clean shaven

~ Ryan, on Mark Lanier

I bet Samson ate ass too. He was very high test

~ Ryan, trying to interpret the Bible

bjs are live

~ Ryan, a quote he still stands by

Why does growing up have to be so expensive? 😭😭😩😩 I just wanna eat ass 😤😤😤😤

~ Ryan

> quantitative film studio Well there goes my nofap streak

~ Ryan

That infographic made me rock hard

~ Ryan, on a chart of philosophy

Robert: That’s a C++ dev getting comforted by an 800 year old fox girl Ryan: 🤔😍

~ Robert, Ryan

That’s cyberpunk!

~ Ryan, probably

I literally called it the Springer texts, like it was something we found in nature— at a friggin tomb or something.

~ Ryan, on

Benton: Asian booty, Ryan like Ryan: Don’t hold that meme against me.

~ Benton, Ryan

My s-pen does great things

~ Ryan, on his """stylus"""

Next semester I'm gonna be the kid on the front row of my math class with a mechanical keyboard writing my notes in latex in vim with i3 gaps with a little bit of transparency on my environment so you can get a slight glimpse of the openbsd pufferfish logo which is my desktop wallpaper

~ Ryan, on living the dream

If I was actually trans I'd be a hot girl

~ Ryan

Where is there a Muslim women's day?

~ Ryan

If she's not based, I'll give her a break, but if she's not redpilled, then no way.

~ Ryan, on women

Her jawline makes me question my own life

~ Ryan, on some chick

Rick: I have a paper copy of my homework if you want to see it Ryan: Is it in LaTeX?

~ Rick, Ryan

It's like airpods but for starbucks

~ Ryan, on Edgar holding a cup upside down

I'm just having the realization of how many problems we have as humanity that could be solved through the efficient distribution of productivity through a free market but instead we have the state that consumes resources to subsidize people to do this. We could've cured so many diseases by now if we weren't making art out of period blood

~ Ryan

This is why we need pure free markets so we can actually deliver menstrual care supplies at a low cost at market demand instead of hiring a bunch of tranny Democrats to vegetate at a table doing arts and crafts, wasting humanities valuable resources on trying to steal the next citizens tax dollars through democracy because they don't have the talent nor drive to actually create something useful for society

~ Ryan

I guess Kerne wasn't the only one that did a PhD in arts and crafts

~ Ryan, on Sarah Fox

I am whipped. I'm not proud of it, nor depressed about it, but I am in fact whipped

~ Ryan

my sexual health is, as the Bible would put it, healthy

~ Ryan, on BDSM (Bible Discussion Study Meetings)

Country dancing is ancap tho

~ Ryan

Your vascularity will seduce her

~ Ryan, on attracting women

Rick: I'm ready for the Bitcoin assassination market. Ryan: I don't see a problem with it.

~ Rick, Ryan, on politics

If she breathe she a thot *five seconds later* Lol I mean people like this deserve to be trolled, not some innocent girl in chemical engr.

~ Ryan, not making any sense

Happy birthday to one of my favorite Jews!

~ Ryan, on Murray Rothbard

Indirect *clean* prostitution

~ Ryan, on better ways to make people money

Ryan: Piada is the most romantic place on Earth. Nothing is more of an aphrodisiac than giving a girl your pepperoni stick

~ Ryan, on p i a d a

You learn to use the right hand for the right job.

~ Ryan, on hand-jobs

I think I woke up with the tongue version of morning wood from tongue chewing so much gum yesterday

~ Ryan

In summary, the scraping occurs through a \textif{breadth-first search} utilizing our custom-built scraper, \code{Prie}, written in \textit{Elixir}. described in more detail in our Task 1 Report.

~ Ryan, trying to flex in 470

So basically without being a rapist, they have to go marry a Fleshlight

~ Ryan, on incels

High test

~ Ryan, on Rick

I'm thinking about getting hollow airpods so I can get fashion clout

~ Ryan

It's just a bunch of government crap

~ Ryan, on education

Why did you get a vaccine? We are literally computer science majors, we can't afford to have any more autism than we already have.

~ Ryan

Ryan: Robert, put on Shelter. Benton. Please don't. There no song I've heard more in my life.

~ Ryan, Benton

I am very confused and very straight

~ Ryan

Atlas would fortnite dance if he saw that type of sentence

~ Ryan, on political correctness

This sounds like some government-run cuckery

~ Ryan

Whoops, didn't consume enough soy today to enjoy that

~ Ryan, watching something really cringey

Ryan: Hey who all has garage parking at the stack? Where does that sticker go on your windshield? Rick: The girl at the counter told me to try different positions until it works

~ Ryan, Rick

This is the most cyberpunk thing I've seen in my life

~ Ryan, watching a movie with robot sex

I can go be a wage cuck at mcdonalds and make more money in the amount of time it takes to have a gf

~ Ryan, on why he's single

It's whether the taste outweights the gayness of it

~ Ryan, on balls

There's no doubt that mike mew is an anprim

~ Ryan

Have you ever had Jims? I'm trying it out this morning

~ Ryan, asking the wrong questions

I'm taken by Atlas already

~ Ryan, on relationships

I’m Atlas’s happy disaster

~ Ryan

I am to cyberpunk as Rick is to bearded women

~ Ryan

[I'd] rather live in an atheist heroin hellhole socialist department of labor dystoopia than Sharia land

~ Ryan

If a girl has armpit hair the probability that she also has a penis exceeds my comfort zone and thus must be excommunicated

~ Ryan, on body hair

Mathematics is the source code of the universe, so physics must be like the hardware.

~ Ryan

Those gaps are sleeker than the wage gap

~ Ryan, on a tiling window manager

Nothing like an afterlife on AWS.

~ Ryan, on uploading one's consciousness to a computer

Robert: This is Harry’s. Ryan: No, there aren’t any lesbians at Harry’s. Robert: This is what Harry’s could be.

~ Robert, Ryan, watching Black Mirror

Poor kid got too much soy

~ Ryan, looking at an old photo of Tyler "Soylent campus rep" D.

What if mewing increased T levels?

~ Ryan, discussing the link between orthodontics and masculinity

I'm only gay for Ben.

~ Ryan

Better than hearing Stacey's getting their chads to rev their Dodge ram 3500 in the rise parking garage

~ Ryan, explaining why he wears earplugs to sleep

Eat some 🍔BURGERS🍔 bro 🙏 Those T-LEVELS 📈 aren't gonna increase without that MEAT👌💪💪

~ Ryan

Will we get to keep our Live Maché beta keys?

~ Ryan, trying to stay alive in 315

My parents just banned fortnite for my sister LOL

~ Ryan

My favorite social media platform is Overleaf

~ Ryan

The year is 2040. Your name is Atlas Wang. You were the creator of the first sentient AI built from the collective unconscious of Chinese Tik Tok users. You're walking home for some anime and maybe a few math proofs before bed. Tonight's gonna be a good night.

~ Ryan

Come in to 625 with dark sunglasses and a suit and tell him you're with the Chinese IRS and stumbled across financials related to iFind. He'd throw his MacBook on the ground jump off the learning stairs in the zeec

~ Ryan, telling Robert he should troll Atlas.

WHAT. Griffin took Bassichis daughter to prom? That's frickin live

~ Ryan, confused as usual

You get out your dried kiwi and see a message from Atlas sliding into your slack. Tonight’s gonna be a good night.

~ Ryan

ByteDance bucks

~ Ryan

I feel like I’m in a dream I haven’t woken up from when I’m with Atlas

~ Ryan

I’d take Chaspari to tits. It’s the type of party Wang would overdose on LSD at.

~ Ryan

Wait what approved books....? For the love of God if they removed that sacred piece of text from Evans I'm going to boot up LOIC on the teague data center

~ Ryan, talking about Crime and Punishment

Don’t wear your tensorflow shirt today, I don’t want to be accidentally twinning.

~ Ryan

God bless the free market, God bless fossil fuels.

~ Ryan

The reason why we know black people are human are because we have interactions with them?

~ Ryan

Of course there are good black people

~ Ryan

You don’t like the taste of food? That’s like my one source of dopamine during No Nut November.

~ Ryan, asking Rick why he doesn’t want Fuego

\end{sperg} So, crepes for dinner?

~ Ryan

I don’t want to get Alzheimers programming in C#. I want to get Alzheimer’s as I pick up my monthly check from Nvidia. I want my wife to ride a horse.

~ Ryan

No Nut November is torture :(

~ Ryan, sending a photo of an anime girl on a nightcore song


~ Ryan, during Kerne’s “domination workshop”

When Atlas tells you he plays fornite

~ Ryan, as he flosses

Is it gay that I think she's attractive?

~ Ryan

I’d rather date a Nazi than a leftist

~ Ryan

All I ask for in a girl is an iq > 110, right of center (don't care about up and down), a bmi < 25, and protestant Also please for the love of God, if she's a CS major, PLEASE be able to install Python within 4 weeks

~ Ryan


~ Ryan, after reading Robert’s messages from a girl who does crypto currency development

I am touching Ben more than Grace is

~ Ryan

Imagine listening to this soundtrack, the rice wallpaper, my cyber punk lights on tonight, you look out the window and all you see is the windows of the rise and aspire high rises. You log into the irc through Robert's TOR end node, tonight's gonna be a good night.