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It’s ass. You could bake cookies on this motherfucker.

~ Mikayla, on Japanese napkins

Fuwafuwa wa assdesu

~ Mikayla, on Japanese ice cream

There's this beautiful moon, just bright Home Depot orange... Anyways so I have this app that identifies birds based on the sound of their calls...

~ Mikayla

Oh my GOD, Robert. Crack cocaine. Buy a plane ticket here, get a peach, leave.

~ Mikayla

Bro her eyes were kinda squinty!

~ Mikayla

I cannot "moe moe kyun" with my father.

~ Mikayla, on maido cafes

I'm getting such unholy views of this deer. Why is the ass so jiggly?

~ Mikayla, playing VRChat

Mikayla: Never have kids Osaias: Who are you saying that to? Mikayla: All of y'all. Except Nate, it's too late for him.

~ Mikayla, Osaias

Mikayla: There was one JET who died to a tsunami. Robert: There's only been one that died? Mikayla: No, there's been two. One was murdered, and one died to a tsunami.

~ Mikayla, Robert

Smiling for Sakura Miko’s Pits? Unforgivable.