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Kyle: He had a pretty nice bod for a homeless guy... Kush: WHAT ARE YOU DOING, FEELING UP RANDOM HOMELESS DUDES?!

~ Kyle, Kush

Would you rather have a warm toilet or a cold toilet? Kush: What’s wrong with a cold toilet? Am I a child? Can I not handle temperature gradients? Kyle: What if it’s cold enough to make ice cream?

~ Kyle, Kush

That boy’s colon is basically a slip and slide

~ Kush

Kyle: Robert what’s the first attractive celebrity you can think of? Robert: Mila Kunis is the first to come to mind, but isn’t she pretty old now Kyle: Ah, you’re right. I guess we’re getting old. Who’s the fresh blood now? Kush: Are you going for a career in Hollywood or something?

~ Kyle, Robert, Kush

In the year if our lord, 2019, internet FUCKING explorer.

~ Kush

Kyle: If you had to eat one of every native animal for a country, which country would you pick? Robert: Saudi Arabia just has what— camels? Maybe some lizard meat? Kush: What does India have? Kyle: Elephants... HAHA!

~ Kyle, Robert, Kush

Robert: She apparently works on Windows update Kush: a thankless job if I’ve ever heard it