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Hannah: Whyy is there so much traffiiiic? James: We need another plague. Hannah: Aren’t we in a plague? James: We need a better plague.

~ Hannah, James

Hannah: did you take that with your iphone Barret: Yeah my Galaxy iPhone 9s+

~ Hannah, Barret

I want to give candy to children

~ Hannah

Hannah: What language are you writing in? Robert: Mine. Shaponics. Mitchell: You should’ve called it Robertism. Ruben: That’s his religion. Mitchell: Oh, right.

~ Hannah, Robert, Mitchell, Ruben

I keep a fork in my pencil bag for emergencies

~ Hannah

it's not stealing, you pay

~ Hannah

Narrator: Mitchell is offering you his sap. Will you accept it? Hannah: Stardew valley just got interesting.

~ Hannah

Hannah: Why is eating healthy so hard? Robert: I’m taking a 1hr 5min bus ride to get fried chicken

~ Hannah, Robert

Mitchell: I totally just fisted you Hannah: yeah, you did!

~ Hannah, Mitchell, after Mitchell smashed

I gave my dad my sperm, cause I had some extra sperm.

~ Hannah

Push harder next time

~ Hannah, to Edgar

Hannah: How do I know you're not a woman, Mitchell? Jeff: Because he chooses to be a man. Mitchell: Would you like to find out?

~ Mitchell, Jeff, Hannah

It was hard in a good way. I haven't imagined fun hard in a while.

~ Hannah, talking about black holes

I don't like wearing clothes

~ Hannah

What if [black people] are a different species of human?

~ Hannah

Do we even know that black people are human?

~ Hannah

I’m not coming I just wanted to be invited