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Women frequently look similar and men frequently look similar.

~ Gay Michael Moore

I tend to see the older woman

~ Gay Michael Moore

I just wanted you to be aware that your team name sounds like gay porn.

~ Gay Michael Moore, to the "Backend Boys"

Your test can be significant even if it's not large.

~ Gay Michael Moore, trying to cope with his low testosterone levels

Every time I see a male driver I've trained myself to say, "Crazy male drivers, right?" and then I'm surprised when it's a female driver.

~ Gay Michael Moore, countering bias with bias

We have a lot of all male groups and a lot of all "white-ish" groups.

~ Gay Michael Moore, trying to embrace >muh diversity

LaTeX is very bad for accessibility... I could learn LaTeX; I just don't want to.

~ Gay Michael Moore

I didn't want them to get in the awkward position of finding a correlation between race and intelligence.