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Daniel: I could probably work some magic with those Eskimo women William: The sun god told me, “cancel the flight”

~ Daniel, William

Daniel: They've raised generations of people that are... morons. Can't pull a handle to pump gas into their own car. Robert: I don't know how to pump gas. Y'know, everytime I go to the gas station, I- sometimes I end up just squirting it into my mouth and spitting it back into the car. It's a hazard.

~ Daniel, Robert, on Oregonites

William: The parental controls filter is gonna catch that. Daniel: You think THAT is the worst thing this home wifi has seen?

~ William, Daniel, on

Daniel: Robert, I want you to understand that there are zero people our age that have done what we did today. Robert: What about that one kid that's flown around the world? Daniel: Congratulations, he can fly in a straight line!

~ Daniel, Robert

Thomas the train, Jesus and Fortnite. The holy trinity.

~ Daniel

Luke: If you’re drunk you can’t tell you’re walking in a straight line. Daniel: What are you talking about? *stumbles as he walks* Robert: I’m going to walk the tangent of this fire pit. Luke: Now walk the cotangent. Robert: *pauses* *begins to walk in arcsin*

~ Luke, Daniel, Robert

William: Is that music coming from the bus? It’s rocking with the beat. Daniel: Oh, it stopped. William: Did the beat go off? AYE!

~ William, Daniel

Sandy Hullum's hole has swallowed me again