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We're all going to die anyway, so let's go with Jimmy Neutron SpaghettiOs

~ Chris, To James regarding branding

Robert: I just had to catch up on sleep after watching that stupid snail movie instead of resting. Robert: My statements against Turbo were made in good faith. James: They better be. I literally missed work today because of it Chris: you two have allowed this snail movie to disrupt your sleep, your work, your very lives. I am disappointed James: Ah that’s unfortunate. Chris apparently does not have the mental capacity to even begin to understand the nuances of this movie

~ Robert, James, Chris

*Snaps* Green.

~ Chris, on death

Robert: I don't know what's a worse fate: to die while lerping, or to die while larping. Chris: At least we're not slurping.

~ Robert, Chris, during the wee hours of TamuHack.

Chris: I’m wearing a wolf skull! James: I’m wearing bones, all over! Robert: I’m black!