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Either I’ll get a face full of boobies or I’ll binge watch the whole season.

~ Barret, on Robert’s plex server

That song was in English?!

~ Barret, on Uto

Barret: What were you thinking for dinner? Robert: Man idk. I was looking for a chinese teahouse akin to the ones in Chengdu, with dirt floors and people smoking everywhere but we don't have those

~ Barret, Robert, before deciding on Mexican

Ahhhhh man! I can't post my twerking videos on tiktok any longer.

~ Barret

Hannah: did you take that with your iphone Barret: Yeah my Galaxy iPhone 9s+

~ Hannah, Barret

What are you, a boomer?

~ Barret, a 30-year-old boomer

This class is actually making me dumber, wasting my time, that could have otherwise been spent learning something useful.